Verify your student status in the online store

If you are an upper secondary student, please see the separate instructions on Kela’s school transport subsidy. See the instructions here (in Finnish).

You may purchase a student ticket when you have a physical travel card, and you have set your transportation account’s customer group as “Students”. You must verify your student status annually. You cannot purchase a travel card and student tickets at the same time in the Waltti online store. Get first a travel card. If you do not have a travel card, please order one and verify your student status later. See the instructions on ordering travel cards.

When you have a travel card

Log in to the Waltti online store and use strong identification with your personal bank account details or mobile certification. In the Account view, choose “My information”.

On the “My information” page choose “My Studyinfo log in”. Follow the instructions of the online store and find the study credit link in Opintopolku and attach it to your account.

You may see the stages of the verification process by pressing the “Instructions” button in the upper left corner.

When your customer group is “Student”

When your customer group is set to “Student”, the student-discounted seasonal tickets are visible in the online store. The tickets are visible if you have registered as present for the semester. The right to study does not entitle you to student discounts alone.