Lost and found

Lost travel card

Ask the chatbot, “OuluBot”, if your travel card has been found. Write “is my travel card found?” in the chatbot’s message field. Type in your card number or the card owner’s phone number. If your card has been found, you may collect it from Oulu10. Please prepare to present an official identity card at Oulu10 service desks.

Other items

We deliver lost items once a week to the Northern Ostrobothnia Lost and Found Service (in Finnish: Pohjois-Pohjanmaan löytötavarapalvelu). You may inquire about your lost items by visiting the service or by calling the service’s phone number (the call is subject to a charge).

25.9.2023 it was reported that the local Lost and Found Service is facing challenges with opening hours. Please see the opening hours, contact information and call charges from the service’s website (in Finnish).

You may inquire about urgent situations (such as lost wallets or phones) directly from the bus line operator. See the operators here.